Sep 19, 2007

A little self-deprecation goes a long way

I am just going to take a minute to show the proper way to beat yourself up. It's all in the finish.
Looking at my latest entries with a little scrutiny and I realize that I haven't take the time to formulate good thoughts; complete in every part and cohesive in composition. I frantically throw some rough words together because I have too much I feel I need to be doing. The (cough) writing is weak. I tell myself that I will revisit the verbal wreck and give it some prose but I never do.
Shame. Shoot.
I think I am going to check out a yoga deal at the gym. I need to teach my body how to relax and maybe my mind will follow suit. I have taught my body how to work. I enjoy the uncommon task of moving a unit of dirt by wheel barrow for a few days. And I still enjoy the day to day garbage of figuring out the pricing structure of some companies iPod case that is one-of-a-million. I tend to believe I prefer the former but it doesn't pay as well. But the point is i could be doing a better job by taking the time to relax. So I am just going to show up at a couple class sessions and pick up some skills. Some stretches or whatever that I can do on the floor of my living room by myself. It may help me focus a bit in the day, but moreso I am looking for an answer to my penchant for late nights of just wanting something to do.
Yeah, don't get me wrong. I am still a conservative independent- I have just been moving faster than anyone else in the party. I am not looking for Oregon-style spiritual enlightenment. I have already found That. I just need a tool that gives me the ability to focus on It.

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