Sep 18, 2007

Breakdown on Chronic(what)cles of Narnia

The four kids all represent the parts of a person's personality. The
little boy in us gets us into trouble, temptation is easy to deal
with because that part of you lives for the danger in all things,
good and bad. It is his ability to live in danger that gives him the
audacity to believe he can defeat the witch and his irreverance for
the outcome that allows him to try. It is the younger brother the one who lives for danger in all he does, who finally has to be the one to concur the mental side of sin by making the decision to "want" to defeat it, shattering the scepter, the only real power that the witch has. But its the older wiser brother who has to do the battle physically to make the decision definitive.

The older brother defeats sin through good choices and doing the right thing (maybe reading the Sword and having it with you at all times is the key to success). Sin is the wolf that obeys
the White Witch and finds it's fate by the Sword which allows the younger brother to escape once the little punk finally understands that he needs to get away.

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