Apr 21, 2006

Slow Down!

My buddy is off to the D for trout opener this weekend. The river is raging! and worse it has changed about 500 CFS in the last 48 hours. The fishing may be totally blown by the change. Pretty lame of the operator's of the dams on the billy C and that wacky-long reservation reservoir. Hopefully they slow the flow and let it just settle at one place for a while.
Buckskin Mary Rapid will be a frickin blast. It could eat a few careless boaters just as easily as give the floater one of the coolest set of roller rides around. Big warnings came in the online forums today about the D running at 7000 or something. But the BLM had already sold 60 boater passes just for the Mecca day float. I remember going through that rapid with Rob last Novemeber.
I happened to be rowing when we went through Buckskin and it was at the perfect level where the backside of the rollers wouldn't catch your stern and crash over into your boat. I was going to take it straight down the tongue and get the most unbeleivable skate-park ride. But of course, Rob says something real subtle and soft (but since he can never say anything critical, it seemed really loud and clear). "You're gonna slow it down a bit...?..."
Man what a good guy he is. Not a risk taker at all. If I did plan on slowing it down, I bet I could've surfed that 16' glass boat and given it a moment of freedom it never even dreamed possible. Instead I wanted to jump that heavy Clacka-bucket. But mid-speed between the two we just kinda rolled through the rapid uneventfully. What a waste. I should have known that he wasn't going to want to take it fast. I should have just tried surfing it. After all, when Buckskin Mary is just right, it is quite possibly the perfect place in our aquaeous nation for just such a move. And the level was perfect.
This weekend it is raging. I hope everyone stays real safe.

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