Apr 22, 2006


I am so blessed. Lisa came home from her girls night out. Responsibly she was dropped off. I am so glad we can trust each other to make good decisions. After hanging out and talking with her I rolled out to the deck and lit up the new fire pit. I wish I knew where our cameras were. I'd like to take a few night pics of the perfect flame and see what the camera can do with fire.
Whiskey and coke, ipod playing BJM and my fire pit. I am so blessed.
The bike is at the shop getting the new clubman bars put on. I probably could have made teh controls work in the transfer, but I really want the brakes and throttle to work perfectly. I think it's important to not wreck and stuff.
Anyway, Hyperventilation is playing and it's one of those brilliant songs that makes you turn up the volume by starting off at a recorded volume that is real low for a long time. And once you have cranked it up, then it gets into the song at the correct volume- way too loud. What a perfect album Methodrone is.
Anyway, even though I have it cranked I hear what seems to be a jet engine flying overhead. Interestingly, there are no lights and it sounds louder and lower than anything that I have ever gotten on at PDX. So it is some sort of sortie mission from a local base. I am so blessed. I live in a country that is able to prepare itself when people start hijacking planes and running them into our buildings. It is really sad that someone wanted to do that to our buildings in the first place. Maybe there is something we could have done differently. Befriending Israel isn't wrong, but it certainly did have some consequences, eh?
Literally, I guess.

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