May 1, 2008

Trout Opener on the Deschutes

It was a great time of re-centering myself so to speak. I fished about 8 minutes the first day and about 3 hours on Sunday. I rowed my buddies boat so he could be a passenger for the first time in years. He was stoked and so was I.

The one fish I caught was while we were having lunch on the bank after pulling over. No one was catching anything. We saw no fish rise all day. They had their backs to the river while we were eating sandwiches and a fish jumped.

They said "where?".

I said "I'll show you".

I crawled over to the bank and casted from my knees. My first cast was about 2 ft short of my target and I told them so as soon as the fly hit the water. I let it drift by anyway and recast to the perfect distance... it drifted right over the little dude and he took my dry emerger on the surface.

It was like I really knew what I was doing still. That felt nice.

I slept like a baby and was real pleased with my set-up. I hadn't tried parking the truck-bed under the canopy until I got there (brought a tent just in case). But the canopy tent worked out perfect. Go Beavs!!

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