May 8, 2008

Church of the Cafe Racer

Some guys in PDX are thinking of starting a chapter here. I went to the forum and found a 5 page thread that randomly happened and it is perfectly hilarious heresy.

This is the post that started it:
allright, I've been all dirty lately and I've taken recent steps to cleanse my sins. I've just recieved my ordainment as a minister with the Universal Life Church and you all know the painstaking process and years of study that takes. With that in mind, I am inspired to offer my services to you all as the board's spiritual leader to keep you all on the straight and narrow. Call me Reverend Deluxe if you like. I have been inspired by the lord himself to share with you the following 7 commandments which were originally in the bible but taken out for reasons unknown.

1. Honor the Cafe motorcycle and it's creator.

2. Thou shall operate thy motorcycle with the utmost caution unless showing off for friends or ladies.

3. Thou shall be a man of charity and goodwill by blipping the throttle as hot white trash girls pass by.

4. Thou shall not be concerned with matching thy helmet, gloves, jacket and boots with thy brightly colored paintwork. Wear black as a testament of your faith.

5. Thou shall not be tempted by the serpents Harley Davidson, Orange County Choppers and others practicing the evil way of cruisers.

6. Thou shall not wear leather vests, chaps or leather doo-rags in an attempt to convey thee as a bad ass.

7. Thou shall give thanks to the Lord by cracking the ton.

Bless you all

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