Dec 26, 2008

Blast Off!

"One, Two, Blast off!" Watching my four-year-old girl, Regan, leap from the arm of one couch to the cushions of the other I am reminded to stay child-like in my later years. Knowing that life is what I make of it and I can be anything but it first starts in my mind. Not pretending, but deciding what I should each day... and acting upon that decision.

Now, I could have reminded Regan that we don't jump on the couch, but it's the day after Christmas and I am enjoying my children. If she had fear and hesitated in her leap she would have fallen short and then while she was crying in my lap I would remind her of our somewhat-enforced safety rule. Instead she said "Blast Off!" with confidence and instantly sprang and stuck the landing no less.

Where shall I spring to now?

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