Mar 4, 2008

Speaking of Blazers...

Avery is doing the half-time show as a Jr. Blazer Dancer. Hopefully it's not the beginning of a showbiz career that leads to judging American Idol and an addiction to prescription psycho-active drugs.

But Speaking of all of this I am reminded of a picture of Darius Miles' car that I have been meaning to post for months. I just heard a crazy statistic that NBA players frequently file bankruptcy a few years out of the league- something like over 70%.

I think this picture is a precursor of Darius being another statistic. What you aren't seeing is that the hydraulic suspension lifts the car another couple feet if needed (ya know, like if your fighting dogs are loose in your driveway when you pull up and you forgot your gat, or are just too stoned to deal with it any other way than lifting your car above thier jump height and taking a nap.) There is also an amazingly trashy chick airbrushed on the hood that probably cost quite a few G's.

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