Mar 2, 2008

A Fiery Sword or a Snotty Wad of Tissue

Avery just saw Enchanted again and as we prayed and went to sleep she wanted to talk to me about nightmares and such. I told her that our Lord is a shepherd and all we have to do is call on him and he comes over and beats the wolves, lions, and all other things that scare us. Our shpehaerd's staff is anything and everything He needs to defend us... but our Lord could kill a lion with a snotty kleenex from his pocket if he wanted.

Sometimes a Dad is good for a different perspective than what you learn in Sunday School.

She asked why He allows nightmares. (This one proved to be tougher.) Because we are here to let Him show off His skills with a bow-staff. That was basically what I came up with on the fly.

Sleep tight -all His children.

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