Nov 28, 2008

Waiting on a cow

So I am hauling around the bend overlooking a valley between Chillingham and Mudgereeba on the border of New South Wales and Queensland. I am really ripping it up on this most epic motorcycling road ever gouged from a hillside. Signs read "Drive According to Conditions" which means "There's no speed limit, but please don't add to the Aussie public health care bill by being stupid."

So I come around the corner and this chick in milking boots and sweats waves me down and asks me to stop. It seems her brother is trying to return the neighbors cow that got loose. Nice kid. I woulda hopped on and tried the "Man from Snowy River" move and see how we fared down the cliff. But thats me if I was a bored farm kid (...and I am talking about the cow).

So I asked the Milking boot-Betty to snap a pic with my iPhone.

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