Oct 8, 2008

Your Signature Themes - Gallup Online

My Signature Themes after taking the Clifton Strengths Finder

Many years of research conducted by The Gallup Organization suggest
that the most effective people are those who understand their
strengths and behaviors. These people are best able to develop
strategies to meet and exceed the demands of their daily lives, their
careers, and their families.

A review of the knowledge and skills you have acquired can provide a
basic sense of your abilities, but an awareness and understanding of
your natural talents will provide true insight into the core reasons
behind your consistent successes.

Your Signature Themes report presents your five most dominant themes
of talent, in the rank order revealed by your responses to
StrengthsFinder. Of the 34 themes measured, these are your "top five."

Your Signature Themes are very important in maximizing the talents
that lead to your successes. By focusing on your Signature Themes,
separately and in combination, you can identify your talents, build
them into strengths, and enjoy personal and career success through
consistent, near-perfect performance.

The Strategic theme enables you to sort through the clutter and find
the best route. It is not a skill that can be taught. It is a
distinct way of thinking, a special perspective on the world at
large. This perspective allows you to see patterns where others
simply see complexity. Mindful of these patterns, you play out
alternative scenarios, always asking, "What if this happened? Okay,
well what if this happened?" This recurring question helps you see
around the next corner. There you can evaluate accurately the
potential obstacles. Guided by where you see each path leading, you
start to make selections. You discard the paths that lead nowhere.
You discard the paths that lead straight into resistance. You discard
the paths that lead into a fog of confusion. You cull and make
selections until you arrive at the chosen path—your strategy. Armed
with your strategy, you strike forward. This is your Strategic theme
at work: "What if?" Select. Strike.

"Wouldn't it be great if . . ." You are the kind of person who loves
to peer over the horizon. The future fascinates you. As if it were
projected on the wall, you see in detail what the future might hold,
and this detailed picture keeps pulling you forward, into tomorrow.
While the exact content of the picture will depend on your other
strengths and interests—a better product, a better team, a better
life, or a better world—it will always be inspirational to you. You
are a dreamer who sees visions of what could be and who cherishes
those visions. When the present proves too frustrating and the people
around you too pragmatic, you conjure up your visions of the future
and they energize you. They can energize others, too. In fact, very
often people look to you to describe your visions of the future. They
want a picture that can raise their sights and thereby their spirits.
You can paint it for them. Practice. Choose your words carefully.
Make the picture as vivid as possible. People will want to latch on
to the hope you bring.

Excellence, not average, is your measure. Taking something from below
average to slightly above average takes a great deal of effort and in
your opinion is not very rewarding. Transforming something strong
into something superb takes just as much effort but is much more
thrilling. Strengths, whether yours or someone else's, fascinate you.
Like a diver after pearls, you search them out, watching for the
telltale signs of a strength. A glimpse of untutored excellence,
rapid learning, a skill mastered without recourse to steps—all these
are clues that a strength may be in play. And having found a
strength, you feel compelled to nurture it, refine it, and stretch it
toward excellence. You polish the pearl until it shines. This natural
sorting of strengths means that others see you as discriminating. You
choose to spend time with people who appreciate your particular
strengths. Likewise, you are attracted to others who seem to have
found and cultivated their own strengths. You tend to avoid those who
want to fix you and make you well rounded. You don't want to spend
your life bemoaning what you lack. Rather, you want to capitalize on
the gifts with which you are blessed. It's more fun. It's more
productive. And, counterintuitively, it is more demanding.

Woo stands for winning others over. You enjoy the challenge of
meeting new people and getting them to like you. Strangers are rarely
intimidating to you. On the contrary, strangers can be energizing.
You are drawn to them. You want to learn their names, ask them
questions, and find some area of common interest so that you can
strike up a conversation and build rapport. Some people shy away from
starting up conversations because they worry about running out of
things to say. You don't. Not only are you rarely at a loss for
words; you actually enjoy initiating with strangers because you
derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection.
Once that connection is made, you are quite happy to wrap it up and
move on. There are new people to meet, new rooms to work, new crowds
to mingle in. In your world there are no strangers, only friends you
haven't met yet—lots of them.

Self-Assurance is similar to self-confidence. In the deepest part of
you, you have faith in your strengths. You know that you are able—
able to take risks, able to meet new challenges, able to stake
claims, and, most important, able to deliver. But Self-Assurance is
more than just self-confidence. Blessed with the theme of Self-
assurance, you have confidence not only in your abilities but in your
judgment. When you look at the world, you know that your perspective
is unique and distinct. And because no one sees exactly what you see,
you know that no one can make your decisions for you. No one can tell
you what to think. They can guide. They can suggest. But you alone
have the authority to form conclusions, make decisions, and act. This
authority, this final accountability for the living of your life,
does not intimidate you. On the contrary, it feels natural to you. No
matter what the situation, you seem to know what the right decision
is. This theme lends you an aura of certainty. Unlike many, you are
not easily swayed by someone else's arguments, no matter how
persuasive they may be. This Self-Assurance may be quiet or loud,
depending on your other themes, but it is solid. It is strong. Like
the keel of a ship, it withstands many different pressures and keeps
you on your course.

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