Oct 19, 2007

One L and One T

All of my life I have had to correct people when they were spelling my name. No big deal, lots of people have spelled their names against the norm. Mine is simpler than the "norm".... so I actually like it. What I would never do is name my daughter "Lisa" but spell it like "Lheesah" or somethng just to be different and make her life an unending spelling bee for everyone who is writing out her name. She would never find a license plate in the Honeycomb box with her name spelled that way.

Well, when I google my name I actually find a kid who plays baseball for his high school- And his name is spelled perfectly... with one L and one T- nice work by his parents. But what is more amazing is that his last name is Sprague as well. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!!!!
this is ridiculous!!!

If you go to Baby Name Voyager (which is a very cool site) it will tell you that in the US the name "Eliot" reached it's peak of popularity in 1970 or so and at that time it was 7 per 1 million babies- a pretty rare name and spelling.

And then we get this guy first on the left in the front row. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!!!!!

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