Oct 18, 2007

The Chinese Holiday Schedule

What a work force they have over there- if they didn't take a few weeks off every quarter they may actually be able to take over the world.

I finally got my packaging images emailed to me. They went a little different route than I was asking for. Instead of a blister pack that is adhered to the cardstock they have this slip deal molded up for the plastic cover. I wanted it glued like a battery pack because those plastic lips are cumbersome and the individual pieces interlock on the retail shelf so that when you pull one off you might get two extra ones and the whole shabang falls to the floor. Not a good "user experience" in my opinion. I emailed them to get them back on track.

They also seemed to have moved the "FinChasers" name down a bit on the front, and I put the graphic of the emblem on the final, but told them that was just for reference on how to place the actual emblem. well they printed it so that needs to be removed.

Someday this thing may actually be done. Hopefully before Christmas. Of course they probably don't take Christmas off.

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