Aug 24, 2007

Eco-Tech on The Science Channel

Man, I am addicted to this show. As far as I am concerned there should be an Eco-tech Channel. I would pay extra for it if it also removes the commercials. In fact they should just make a reality show out of following the EarthShip crews around 16 hours per day.

FineLiving does a good job having commercial breaks since they give you a snippet tip in the middle of the break.

Anyway, I got a bit more stuff together for running around in the woods this Saturday. I put Langlitz on my holster and found that a bit rubbed into the wood grips of the Ruger. Lisa and I hiked up there last weekend. Although she was glad to see where it is that I go and get a feel for what the heck I spend my time doing up there, I think she saw her life's fill of cougar and bear poop. We took the westerly route and moved along
parallel to (Nameless) Creek. It's mostly old growth timber so it's not going to be where the Elk are. But I found what I was looking for, hence the Ruger during archery season, and the corresponding tags to fill. Like always though, I will head straight into the harvest area of the clearcuts where the fierce scent of Roosevelt is everywhere.

So much more to pack but it really can't happen fully until I am packing my truck. And now I am stuck watching a documentary on this Nadja violinist-chick whose ability to play the solo parts in classical music is tortuously powerful. Just hearing her play I can tell why they are doing a documentary on her. It's mesmerizing actually.

But of course my mind wanders wondering toward the small white towel that is under her chin in one shot. Not a handkerchief, but something specially made to rest sometimes between the chin and the violin's chin-rest. So why does it have to be white? It takes away from the scene of the concerto. Make it an unassuming black so that it doesnt look like half of a cloth diaper.

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