Dec 12, 2005

Narnia : "A little hard to believe"

I saw The Chronichles of Narnia last night. After the movie I asked my buddy what he thought. He replied it was a little hard to beleive those kids could go do battle and stuff with no training. I was kinda taken aback. He was right- but missing the underlying theme I thought. I wonder how many others don't know C.S. Lewis intentions for putting the story of Christ's redemption of humans through His sacrifice into a fantasy world as a giant metaphor.

I had re-read the Lion, the witch and the wardrobe in my 20's after I had found out about the premise again. After telling my buddy he was blown away... he had no idea. I wonder how many others have no idea about it.

It is too bad that even knowing the author's intentions, it will
still be hard for some people to Believe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eliot's Theme song!


And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Eliot, Prince of Eternia, defender of the secrets of Castle Greyskull, in Tualitan, OR.
This is Cora, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic
Fly rod and said:
"By the power of Finchasers"


"I have the power!"

Cora became the mighty Battle Cat.
And I became He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret.
Our friends the Sorceress Lisa, Man at Arms(Toby) and Orko(Dustin).

Together we defend Castle Greyskull from the evil forces of Skeletor(You know who that is.).