Nov 22, 2005

The first one was pompous, this one is just arrogant

Well, there it is the final revision before the publisher gets the ad. I just drove it over and put it in one of teh guys trucks since it is 2am and knocking at this hour just isn't cool- even if you are awake.
The past few years I have taken on an attitude of "why bother doing something if it isn't your best". Not in every facet of my life but a few. This trailer is the one of them. Why a trailer? Why put so much effort into a "thing". It represents my dream I guess...
To make a lot of money?
No. the bottomline is to be able to have the only two decisions I have to make in the morning is where am I fishing and is my family coming with me or will I just see them around lunch time. This scenario can only happen if they are in a nice place near a river. Right now I don't have a river worthy of fishing within a half hour.
I want to live in one of those resort areas somewhere. So in part I guess that requires a bit of money. And some sort of self employment prior, or easily managed during, that affords me the time to just hang with Lisa and the girls anyday I wanted.
Why put so much effort into the fishing stuff?
Because it is what I love most outside of my Family (capitalized for a Reason, or The Reason... The Risen?). It is what I am supposed to do. I think if a person doesn't mute that voice in their heart, and they pursue that wildest dream, then and only then can we be ultimately sharpened into the person we were created to become. It seems as though it is only the deepest desires that can keep driving us through the fire of learning new things. And it is only the toughest stuff in life that we go through because of our heart... the rest of the stuff we just give up on...
-marriage for example.
Man it has its tough times. Luckily for me it's really just an annual weekend every year- not a particular event, this weekend just seems to appear once a year at random. I know my marriage is easy. Mostly because my wife is forgiving. Anyway, during the rough water if we humbly look at the situation and ourself (which IS ALSO your partner) then we become better people on the other side- and usually with the ability to love a bit deeper.

So by doing stuff (like this trailer) so "over-the-top" are you looking for fame and recognition along with a bit of coin?
Not so much.
But you want to do a fishing show- isn't that all about fame?
I think it is more about showing people that anything can be accomplished no matter where you start. Although, If I make enough money to be done working, I would still do the show. The message wouldn't be as powerful if I just won the lottery and began broadcasting.
I may rise to some sort of weird celebrity status among the river walkers- and, again, I am just in that arena to make a point (i.e. you can wear waders that have more patches than Joseph's coat and catch just as many fish).
But you play the lottery almost consistently- do you think you have a gambling problem?
No. It would be a problem if I won the big Jackpot. I just play a buck on the powerball/megabucks. I am not looking for the insane 9 digits of cash, I am looking for $50k. And with the trailer business I am just looking for a bit more freedom... the kind that allows me to go to Avery's Gymnastics stuff.

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