Jun 27, 2007

Those that make it

Watching "the Deer Hunter" I realize that what it probably takes for someone to endure a hardship of the ultimate degree is because they have faced mortality before. Nico, Stevie, and Deniro are in the water before they play russian roulette with the VC and Stevie has just loses it at the thought of having to go through the ordeal in a few moments. granted it wouldn't have been easy for anyone, but a person just can't give up for crying out loud. He hadn't even played yet but he just can't think straight. Deniro and Walken (almost) are able to keep a level head and that is what enables them to scheme the plan of escape.

When a person is given only a few moments to come to grips with their own death it makes your last moments pretty unbaearable I am sure. Those that have contemplated their death (in a healthy way) are the ones that are more likely to be able to escape it when the time comes.

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