May 5, 2006

Biggest Trout in Met?

Who knows where it ranks, who really cares? What an amazing rainbow. The saddest part is that we didn't realize she was dropping eggs until she was lifted quickly out of the water for the one picture of a lifetime. Shoot. Everyone of those eggs is a small chance that she could pass on her stellar genetics. They've got to be in the redd to do any good though. She took the fly about 4 inches below the surface. She shot through 7 ft over overcurrents to get that little Golden buttery bite of Rib Eye.
I am sitting in front of a fire tonight. The firepit on my deck. If I can't be on a riverbank tonight it sure does feel good to at least stare into a flame for a bit in silence. Those are the best parts of a fishing trip. Sure a picture like this could bring back memories, but even if ther wasn't the fish of a lifetime caught, there is usually a conversation with a friend that is lifechanging everytime.
I have the house to myself save for my two sleeping beauty pre-schoolers. They are so cool. But I should have planned ahead and invited Scott over or something. I hardly ever plan ahead for hanging with a dude for no real reason other than to chew the breezy fat. And it's not like I can call a 30-something hotshot in the pearl district away from Saturday Night Fever in PDX.

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